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Employment Agreements

Employment Agreement Attorney 

Knowledgeable Guidance Regarding Employee Agreement Matters in New Jersey

Whether you are considering entering into an employment agreement or have concerns about a agreement you have signed, you should seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer.

I am Stephen Roger Bosin, an employment law attorney with more than 30 years of legal experience serving clients in Bergen County and throughout New Jersey. I provide efficient, effective legal services to clients who are seeking answers to their questions about employment contracts.

 Review, Advise and Protect

Many employees in NJ sign contracts or employment agreements as a result of their employment. While many employees are “at-will” employees who can be terminated at any time for any or no non-discriminatory or non-retaliatory reason, there are many employees who have contractual rights. These contractual rights may include a promise to employ for a particular term, a promise to pay compensation, bonuses, commissions, travel expenses, stock options, and other benefits. When an employer fails to comply with a contractual promise, the employee may have the right to bring an action for breach of contract. Employment contracts and agreements do not always need to be in writing in order to be enforceable. Some oral promises, coupled with an employee’s detrimental reliance may be enforceable as a breach of oral agreement or a promissory estoppel.

Other NJ employees find themselves at the wrong end of contract claim. NJ employers sometimes require employees to sign oppressive contract provisions, such as non-compete clauses, restrictive covenants non-compete agreements, mandatory arbitration agreements mandatory arbitration agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and non-solicitation agreements. All of these agreements can be enforceable under certain circumstances. Similarly, severance agreements and releases that an employer asks an employee to sign may unwitting waive important legal rights.

I can review all of these types of agreements with you and help you understand your rights and responsibilities under these agreements. Please call or e-mail now for a free initial telephone consultation. As NJ employment lawyer I will help you understand the NJ employment agreement problems you may be facing and help strategize a solution for you.

To learn more, please contact me for a free phone consultation by calling today.


Why Choose The Law Office Of Stephen Roger Bosin?

The practice of law is more than just facts and figures. It’s about people, and it’s about persuasion.


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Stephen Roger Bosin


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